What Is It?
Simple conversation has a potential to unleash powerful ideas, ideas that can move mountains. Coffee with Kaaran (with a reason) is Kognitivus’ initiative to facilitate those conversations with our industry experts, over a cup of coffee.

We believe that some of the ‘People’ related challenges in organizations need detailed L&D and People strategy efforts to solve. However, there may be some challenges which could be addressed with a simple, 1 on 1 consultation.

The conversations are intentionally designed to take at a coffeehouse and not in your office premises. The intent is to provide an environment that may encourage free flow of ideas. We also ensure that what’s discussed here stays here.

Who is this for?
Coffee with Kaaran is for you if you are leading an organization or a team (minimum 8 years of experience) and :

  • Would like an experts perspective on current people related issues in your team
  • Are looking for an advice on self development or leadership development in general

Success Stories of Coffee With Kaaran


It's a simple 3 step process to schedule a "coffee with kaaran" session.

eCommerce Consulting


Choose from various available cities around in India.
Business Consultation


Choose from nearby available Cafe joints in the city.
Business Consultation


Choose the date and time and Schedule your meeting.

Schedule a conversation with us -

No Money Back Guarantee as there is No Money involved

Please note that this initiative comes at a cost of your will and grit, so there is no money back guarantee as there is no money involved in this. This is a small service towards fulfilling our purpose at Kognitivus Training and Consulting LLP.
